Hey! Wanna Hang?

UX Research, Brand Design, Product Design

For Designlab's App MVP capstone, I created an iOS app called 'Hey! Wanna Hang' to help NYC residents find events that match their interests and budgets. The idea came from chatting with eight locals who struggled to find the right events. The app makes it easy with a friendly onboarding process where users share their preferences. Based on this, the app suggests tailored activities for users to discover. A usability study showed that 72% of users enjoyed the onboarding, and the app was praised for being super helpful.


User Interviews, Figma, TL;DV, Dovetail , Maze, Whimsical, Miro

New York City's vibrant energy earns it the title of the city that never sleeps. From branded yoga sessions to pop-up concerts, there's always something happening. But amidst this flurry of events, how do you find the ones that truly speak to you?

For my final Design Lab project, I developed Hey! Wanna Hang. This platform simplifies event discovery by curating experiences tailored to users' interests. By suggesting events aligned with their preferences and introducing new possibilities, Hey! Wanna Hang encourages users to explore their community and enjoy enriching experiences.

The journey of developing Hey! Wanna Hang began by exploring how users engage with events in New York City. By conducting user interviews and analyzing existing event platforms, I unearthed insights and opportunities to shape the app's direction. This groundwork laid the foundation for creating user personas and defining key features.

Once I had a blueprint in place with lo-fi wireframes, I turned to defining the brand identity. Balancing sophistication with a touch of charm, I carefully selected a name, designed a logo, and crafted a narrative that captured the essence of the app. Hey! Wanna Hang? emerged as the perfect fit, embodying approachability and directness while reflecting the brand's light-hearted spirit. This narrative communicated the app's purpose of simplifying activity discovery in NYC.

In crafting the user interface, I aimed for a sophisticated look, using typography and color to evoke a refined feel. The choice of muted tones and serif fonts aimed to elevate the brand's aesthetic.

Moving forward, mid-fidelity wireframes helped bridge the gap between concept and execution, providing a glimpse of how the app would function. With these as a guide, I refined the design with high-fidelity wireframes and a prototype, bringing the vision closer to reality and facilitating user testing.

With the prototype ready, it was time to put it to the test with usability testing. The goal was simple: observe how users interacted with the app, identify any hurdles they faced, and gather feedback to enhance the user experience.

During testing, users were tasked with navigating the app's onboarding process, using search filters to find events, and saving posts to their favorites. These tasks allowed us to gauge user satisfaction and efficiency across different aspects of the app.

Hey! Wanna Hang? received an overall Maze Usability Score of 90%, indicating a positive user experience. Users appreciated the app's concept, ease of use, and the effectiveness of its search feature. ✿