Google Bot

Product Design, UX Research, Brand Design

During Designlab’s 'Add-a-Feature' capstone, I chatted with users and found that 62.5% had trouble with Google Workspace, which was messing up their workflow. To help, I created 'Google Bot'—a friendly pop-up chatbot that makes tasks like sorting emails, organizing Google Drive, drafting messages, and tracking document changes a breeze. In the final usability study, the feature had a perfect 100% task success rate, with users calling it streamlined and intuitive.

Figma, TL;DV, Dovetail , Maze, Whimsical


Generative AI is revolutionizing our daily lives by streamlining repetitive tasks like report generation and data analysis, freeing up valuable time for other pursuits. For my Design Lab capstone project, I envisioned Google Bot, a generative AI feature designed to enhance user productivity within Google Workspace. This initiative not only positions Google as a pioneer in digital productivity but also promises users a smoother and more efficient workflow.

The development of Google Bot began with thorough research into user behavior within Google Workspace, identifying areas for improvement, and gathering invaluable feedback. Additionally, I delved into the fundamentals and applications of generative AI to gain insights crucial for creating user personas and driving our user-centered design approach.

Drawing inspiration from existing AI tools, I crafted a pop-up interface for Google Bot. By creating low-fidelity wireframes and paper prototypes, I ensured a structured foundation for the toolbar layout and a seamless integration of the new feature into the existing design.

In selecting an icon, I opted for a friendly robot to foster inclusivity and approachability, steering clear of gender biases. This choice also aligns with the aim of making the generative AI feature universally welcoming, avoiding controversy, and ensuring user comfort.

The naming process led to Google Bot," a fitting choice that encapsulates the assistant's smart and efficient nature, aligning with Google's innovative image. Adhering to existing product styles, I positioned the icon before the words Google Bot and maintained Google's recognizable color scheme.

After finishing the user interface development, I moved on to creating mid-fidelity wireframes. These wireframes played a crucial role in bridging the gap between the initial concept and the final product. They helped define the structure and functionality of the popup, ensuring a smooth user experience and clarifying how users interact with it. Transitioning to high-fidelity wireframes and prototypes was an important step in providing realistic representations of the interface for user testing.

Using Maze, I conducted unmoderated usability testing to evaluate the new feature. This testing collected data on various metrics like task completion rate, error rate, and user satisfaction. During the test, users were asked to launch Google Bot and request email summaries to assess their interaction with the feature.

The redesigned website received a usability score of 96% from Maze, indicating minimal issues. Users particularly liked the chatbot feature, clear icons, and user-friendly interface.✿